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We are living in a crisis of masculinity.  For many men, years of ignored emotions have  built up like toxic layers.  As a result, issues such as anger, addictions, isolation or emptiness have become the new normal.  Unfortunately, the root cause of these issues most often goes unaddressed. Running with Lions believes that in order for men to be spiritually healthy they must first become emotionally healthy.  Our methods have resulted in the life-change many men have been searching for their entire adult lives. 


God designed men for community. Because of this, we cannot grow in isolation. Running with Lions means being in an group with other men where you can be safe and real.

Life Coaching

  Frustrated at your lack of progress?  Our Life Coaching process can help you develop the skills necessary to push past what has you stuck and reach goals you may have convinced yourself were impossible.


Becoming the man God designed you to be requires intentional effort and honest feedback.  Our mentoring process is built on a weekly, one on one environment and produces effect results. 

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Our relationship with God and relationship with others are two sides of the same coin.

Peter Scazzero, Author

Neal Carroll, Millennial

The group has been a place where God's love for me has been communicated through brothers. It has shown me I'm not alone in my struggles, my fears, and my doubts. It has given me a place to be known as I truly am and grow closer to Jesus.

Johnny Gilmore, Real Estate

Having a group of men that I can be real with has allowed me to get to know my true self, therefore allowing me to grow in many areas of my own life, while encouraging others.  Running with Lions; what an appropriate name! If not for this organization, I would be In Hiding.

Ben Derrick, Pastor

My one-on-one time with Doug Owen has not only changed the way I interact with my church community, it has also led me to be the type of father I've longed to be for years.  By forcing me to dig into my story, Doug has equipped me to interpret what God is up to in my life.



You don't become a lion on accident.  Becoming the man God desires you to be is the result of an intentional choice of surrounding yourself with other healthy men.  We call this running with lions.



Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm





107 Blackberry Creek Rd.

Flora, MS 39071

Tel: 601–201–5489

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